Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Hello All,
I hope you are doing well on this rainy Wednesday. I stumbled across this article this morning. It is very good. I found it to be an easy to read summary on NFP. 

Also, Sister Jane Dominic, O.P. will be speaking at St. Cecilia Academy this Saturday night. Her talk is on the Theology of the Body. She is a gifted speaker, and if you are able, you should really try and attend.  You need to RSVP

Here is more info:

This talk is being given to members of the Nashville Guild of the Catholic Medical Association, but anyone is welcome to attend. Sr. Jane Dominic is an energetic, witty and engaging speaker and a nationally known expert on this topic, and her talk should be fantastic.

Here is the schedule:
6:00 PM: Mass at the St. Cecilia Academy Chapel7:00 - 8:30 PM: Light supper (Subway sandwiches & drinks) and Sister's presentation in the main lecture hall at St. Cecilia Academy (4120 Harding Rd., next to St. Thomas Hospital).
Ample free parking is available.
The presentation is free, but please bring $10 if you want dinner. Please RSVP to Rachel Kaiser at if you would like to come. All are welcome!

I hope you all have a wonderful day!

God Bless,


Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Humanae Vitae Lecture


Well, I have exciting news. The Humanae Vitae Lecture originally scheduled for last May has ben rescheduled. It will now be on November 9. Details are here

There will be a lot of publication done for this event. However, please help to get the word out. You will not want to miss this.

I really encourage you to invite your OBGYNs to the lecture. This is such a pressing issue in The Church, and really, with women everywhere. Women deserve to know the Truth. The birth control pill, IUDs, sterilization's, etc.. are not healthcare. Fertility is not a disease and pregnancy is not an illness. 

Also, make sure your parish Priests know about the lecture!

I do not mean to go off on a rant. I have a hard time controlling my tongue, or should I say, my key board, when it comes to these issues. 

I hope you all are having a wonderful week! I am so sad that summer is coming to an end. I think I am in denial that school is starting in a little over a week for the kids. Where did the time go? 

Peace of Christ to you,
