Wednesday, May 19, 2010

NFP mysteriously sneaks into the hearts of the couple

Well, I am 3 months into my practicum, and I could not be more pleased. All I want, is to fill at least one spot for each NFP class I offer monthly. So far so good. In June, I will have two couples at the class. Both, are bran-spankin' new to NFP. One is an engaged couple, and the other is coming to understand their Faith on deeper level. They want to know where the Church stands on artificial birthcontrol, and what She says about the use of NFP.

I ask for your prayers for both of these couples. Both of them are embarking on a new journey. The engaged couple, new to the love God has reserved for them in the sacrament of marriage. They will grow in ways they never thought possible. The seasoned couple, they will also grow in ways they never thought possible through the use of NFP. I will teach them NFP, but will only skim the surface about what this is going to do for their marriage. Some how, NFP mysteriously sneaks into the hearts of the couple, and they slowly begin to see their spouse and the marital act in whole new light. Most of the time when a couple comes to me, they just want to know how to know when they are fertile and when they are not. I show them all of the how to's, and grin with the thought of the awe this couple will experience in the coming weeks.

This is something you cannot teach a couple. I always hold back when I want to tell the couple all of the wonderful things that will come about through their use of NFP. The words just don't make it out of my mouth. I want so badly to share this with them, but it always feels like the timing is not right. Maybe too much information, or I am afraid I will lose them.

However, complete joy consumes me when we meet again for a follow up session. Where the couple will share with me how NFP has been so enriching to their marriage. This always seems to take them by surprise. =) Maybe they had heard before that this could happen to a couple who uses NFP, but they just never thought it would happen to them. I just smile and say, "I know! Isn't it great?"

The couple's even express to me (and I am talking about couples who have been married a LONG time) that making love is even better now that they are using NFP. I had a couple recently that I taught, and the husband didn't 'buy' that NFP actually 'worked'. When I saw him one day after mass, he told me that his wife is so happy. He said, if for nothing else, NFP is worth doing for that. And later, when I met with his wife. She also shared her happiness with me. She said she wasn't as edgy anymore. She new exactly when they needed to abstain and when it was okay to resume again. For them, this meant, during the times when they engaged in sexual intercourse, they were never worried about where she was in her cycle. They were more relaxed, and could enjoy it more. I told them both, this is just one way that NFP 'works'.  

The more I get involved with NFP, the more my excitement builds for it. I want everyone to know about it. Catholic or not! As Sister Mary Michael says, "NFP, it's good for women!"

One thing to leave you with, PROMOTE, PROMOTE, PROMOTE!!! Don't be afraid to share your love of NFP with others. Remember, NFP is a good thing! People don't realize how badly they need it.

Peace to you my friends,